Friday, January 24, 2014

Little Wattlebird with Chicks

I was walking the dog this morning and as I headed back to the house I spotted some movement in the tree just outside the front door. 
A Little Wattlebird. 
Hadn't seen one of this around here so I was happy that my native tree plantings were bringing new visitors and then I heard it. 
Little, tiny chirps directly above me.   Mum was here to feed her chicks so I was heading off to grab the camera and a big ladder. 
Gotta love Mother Nature. Cheers, Mark 

If you enjoy bird photography check out our 5 Day Mountain Experience coming up in February, We do quite a few bird sessions including birds in flight. Great fun and lots of learning opportunities 

Here is the -> LINK


  1. I'm pretty sure that this is a female Figbird, not a Little Wattlebird. Still very cute though!

  2. Yes Kem, you are absolutely correct. I did realize this some time after I published this blog entry but hadn't changed the title :-)
